Rejuvenation Stem Cell Package

Our Medical Spa Center offers Stem Cell Rejuvenation Program for body revitalization and improvement of well-being. This package is designed to prevent or delay age-related diseases and to improve the physical and mental condition.

Stem cells act as the body’s repair system. In case of injury these cells move to the damaged parts to initiate repair. As people age the number of stem cells in the body diminishes. With the help of modern medicine and the latest technological advancements, regenerative medicine can now help to effectively manage the aging process through Stem Cells Treatment.

Once the stem cells are injected in a patient’s body they will promote and support the regeneration and revitalization of the body’s organs and tissue through a complex molecular process. As a result the body will run more efficiently improving the aging symptoms being experienced, and eventually delay and possibly reverse aging itself.

Facial contour by Stem Cells Program

1st session - 2 days|1 night
2nd session - 1 day

The facial contour program of Medical Spa Center is a comprehensive non-surgical face rejuvenation process. Stem cells with the ability to repair and replace old and damaged cells are introduced in the facial skin and the particular problem areas.

With this technology, the facial make-over is achieved and a younger, fuller appearance may be restored. Likewise, this process may increase regeneration and recovery of tissue on the face, thus reducing wrinkles and improving facial skin tones caused by the aging process.

Contact for More Details:

English - WhatsApp: +66 839 328 516
Russian - Viber: +7 924 725 5855
Telegram: @thaimedspa7
